What To Do?

This week we studied the portion vayeitzei in which Jacob dreams of a ladder to heaven. In the very first verse of this portion we learn that Jacob has left Bersheva, travelling to Haran, so we know he is on a journey. The rabbis, the ancient sages of Israel, tell us that when a righteous…

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Where’s the Lamb?

This week’s portion is Vayeira, which includes the story of the binding of Isaac. This story is central to Judaism and Christianity. A misrepresentation of this story is also central to Islam. What I mean by a misrepresentation is that Islam believes that it was not Isaac who went up with Abraham but Ishmael. That…

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A Tale of Two (?) Wives

This week’s Torah portion is Chayei Sarah. Now we know the backstory is that Sarah has been unable to bear a child for Abraham. So G-d promises her that he will grant her a child. But… just in case, Abraham takes another wife whose name is Hagar. Who is Hagar? Well, she is a daughter…

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